Add contents or path to content

Visualization, web pages built by web site generator. Share and publish directly from your hard drive, github, google drive, one drive, cloud bucket/.

What you can do with KREATE

Generate Web Sites

Using Natural Language Processing (NLP), AI, Generative AI, automation create web design(s). See how your content fits into different design.

Generate Web SEO

Using NLP, AI and generative AI create SEO - title, tag line, keyword, alt tag,description. KREATE allow you to tune SEO settings and automatically build web app from single page to thousands of pages.

Generate content

Create content thru human, NLP processing and prompts. Validated & complete content is added to web pages.

Integrate A/B Test

Kreate (Generate, create, automate) experiences at speed and at low cost. With A/B testing and exprimentation identify winner and roll out with confidence

FAQ and comments

Web publishing at scale

Content , Presentation layer, SEO layer, speed of publishing, speed of rendering all are important factors. Presentation layers evolve wth new devices and technology develop. Similarly search engine change their algorithm. KREATE is built using Dataknobs knobs design - by changing knob setting you can recreate with new UI, with better keywords better description. You can change a knob and it will recreate according to new SEO guideline.
One can create content too with prompt. Just by providing prompt you can create knowledge base.

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