GenAI and LLM course




Generative AI (GenAI) pushes the boundary by not just predicting, but creating entirely new content. Generative models learn from existing data to not only identify patterns, but also use those patterns to produce novel outputs.

GenAI and LLM

Traditional predictive AI thrives on structured data and predefined rules. It excels at spotting trends and making specific predictions within a well-defined system. LLMs, however, break free from this rigidity. By ingesting massive amounts of text and code, they learn the underlying relationships within language itself. This allows them not just to predict the next word in a sequence, but to grasp complex ideas, generate different creative text formats, and even translate languages – all with a remarkable human-like fluency. This versatility and ability to adapt to new information makes LLMs a more advanced approach when dealing with the messy and ever-evolving world of human language.

Multi Modal

LLMs have revolutionized text processing, but they've been limited to the world of words. Multimodal LLMs/GenAI take things a step further. These advanced models aren't confined to just text data. They can be trained on a variety of formats, including images, audio, and code. This allows them to understand the relationships between different modalities. Imagine an LLM that can not only describe an image but also generate a corresponding musical piece that captures its essence. This opens doors to exciting new possibilities. Multimodal LLMs/GenAI can be used for tasks like creating video game environments that respond to music or generating realistic simulations that combine visual and textual elements. They represent a significant leap forward, allowing AI to process and generate information in a way that more closely mirrors how humans experience the world.

From the blog

December 20, 2012

Intro to Large Language Model

Large language models, or LLMs for short, are trained on massive amounts of text data. By analyzing mountains of text, LLMs become adept at generating text, translating languages, writing different kinds of creative content, and even answering your questions in an informative way. Though still under development, large language models are a rapidly evolving field with the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with information and technology.

December 15, 2012

Prompt Management and Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the art of crafting the right instructions for a large language model. Imagine giving a detailed recipe to a skilled chef – the prompt sets the direction and provides context, influencing the LLM's output towards the desired outcome. It's a flexible and user-friendly approach, but requires understanding how to shape the prompt for best results.

December 12, 2012

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) takes prompt engineering a step further. It combines prompts with external data retrieval. Think of RAG as an LLM with a built-in research assistant. It searches for relevant information based on the prompt and injects that knowledge into the generation process, aiming for more grounded and informative outputs.


Build LLM AI Assistants

Building an LLM-based AI assistant application is an exciting but complex endeavor. First, you'll need to choose an LLM model that aligns with your desired functionalities. Then comes the challenge of integrating the LLM with other components like speech recognition for voice commands and natural language processing to understand user intent. Crucially, you'll need to design a user interface that facilitates a smooth and intuitive interaction between the user and the LLM. Finally, training and fine-tuning the LLM on a dataset specific to your assistant's purpose ensures it delivers relevant and helpful responses. It's a multifaceted process, but with careful planning and the power of LLMs, you can create a personalized AI assistant that streamlines tasks and enhances user experience..

In addition- you need to be aware of new challenges LLM brings Hallunication, Copyright Issues, Ethical concerns etc